Generally Useful Tools

Just the Recipe

A must have website for reading online recipes. Cuts out the weird monologues that websites always put before the recipe.

Indigenous-Run Shops Masterlist

This list isn't entirely food shops, but everything is indigenous-owned and better than anything you could get on Amazon or whatever.

Foraging/Growing Food References

Wiki Page for Edible Invasive Plants

A short list of edible and invasive plants and animals. Be careful with this one though. The Plant section includes where each plant is invasive, but the Animal section doesn't, and the whole thing is kinda lacking on sources. Still, a nice little reference.

Wildflower Identification Tool andWildflower Research

Some great tools for identifying any plants you find. Also recommend the app "INaturalist," since it allows you to take a picture of the organism and share it, letting other users help identify it. Fair warning that both the Wildflower Research website and the INaturalist app will track your location while using them.

Vegetable Growing Cheat Sheet

A small cheat sheet for growing your own vegetables. Remember that if you're planning to eat any of this, don't spray it with poisonous chemicals.

Specific Cooking Tips

Cannabis Cooking Guide

A guide that breaks down how to cook cannabis into foods, specifically in how to adjust for strain and purpose.

Basic Kitchen Guides

Bunch of good stuff here. What spices to pair with what foods, what foods to refridgerate and what foods can stay at room temperature, some vegan replacements for protein. Great reference, check it out.

Free Food Networks

Food Not Bombs

Provides free vegetarian and vegan food worldwide. Pretty big and well-supported.